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From self defense, to competitive training, Cali Style is a gym that has an open door policy. We have all ages and experience levels that train, so no worries if your just beginning in your martial arts journey. For those of you that are new, you will find below, we have provided some additional information, basic concepts of each of the classes Cali Style provides.


Cali Style MMA is a proud affiliate gym of Globetrotters BJJ, believing in the core principlals of Globetrotters BJJ.



Its important to note that every one of our members, including black belts, is a person just like you, that chose to keep trying.


"It's not who's good, it's who's left. It's hours on the mat. If you put in that time, natural athlete or not, you'll be a black belt. You're going to be somewhere in ten years, why not be a black belt? You just can't quit." - Chris Haueter


Just come on in, have some fun while staying in shape, and enhancing your self defense abilities.


Thank you for your interest in our gym,

We hope to see you soon!


Globetrotter BJJ

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

At CaliStyle MMA, we take pride in providing self defense, jiu jitsu class for youth.

Martial arts is one of the most positive character building activities that children can be involved in.

Some of the benefits to Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

-Self Discipline to keep trying

-Understanding that failure is how you get better.

-Positive habits


-Respect for others.



If you are interested in having your child attending Cali Style MMA Classes please Call 239-270-9650




Practicing at Home
Kids BJJ
Jujitsu Training

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Jiu Jitsu has a long history, spanning all the way back to the 1870s in Japan. Over the 1.5 centuries it has gradually developed into a widely practiced form of self defense. It is arguably the necessary foundation of any competitive Mixed Martial Artist. Jiu Jitsu is unique in the fact that size of the practitioner, does not interfear with the students ability to properly submit opponents. Jiu Jitsu is a martial art that empowers the smaller, less athletic,students to be able to submit larger or stronger opponents.


Adults BJJ


Boxing is a sport that utilizes attacks and blocking with fists. Students use Large padded gloves, head gear, and other protective equipment during training sessions.

One important thing to note is that only a small portion of class is spent "sparring" which can vary in intensity from Light spar to Live action. Majority of your time in class will be drilling the movements. Remember Repetition and consistency is key.

Image by Pablo Rebolledo

Muay Thai

Muay Thai is regarded as the art of 8 limbs. This is referencing the body parts utilized for attacks. The use of 2 hands, two elbows, two knees, and two feet, is where the sport gets its "8 Limbs". Muay Thai is a very powerful sport, and is highly respected both in and out of the ring.

Traditional Thai Fighters are conditioned to a very powerful physical and mental state. As with all martial arts, time spent developing skills and performance will directly contribute to your growth in the sport.



No Sport is older or more widely distributed. This sport was a part of daily life in ancient greece, for young men and adults alike. The importance of this sport in self defense ability can not be understated. There have been more UFC champions from wrestling background than any other martial art.

Cali Style has Several instructors With wrestling backgrounds, from real world self defense applications, to olympic competitor, and State Champion.

This Program is a great option for teens looking to develop skills for school sports like wrestling and football.

Youth Wrestling
Muay Thai
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